Are you unfamiliar with a technical term in connection with environmental management, or do you need a reliable definition? In the TQ glossary on this topic you will find explanations of frequently used terms from our business areas.
The Packaging Act is implemented in Germany via the dual system. The aim is to strengthen environmentally friendly packaging and significantly increase the recycling rates of raw materials. Manufacturers who place goods on the market for end consumers must register in the LUCID packaging register and report the corresponding quantities of packaging via service providers participating in the dual system in order to ensure environmentally friendly recycling and disposal.
The aim of energetic performance is to make the results of management with regard to energy efficiency and savings transparent by means of measured values.
Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI) are used to anchor energy targets at the highest corporate level, continuously monitor improvements in relation to the initial energy base and take appropriate corrective action in the event of deviations in order not to jeopardise the target.
Ultimately, the focus is on the sustainable improvement of energy performance and thus on increasing energy efficiency.
The aim of Environmental performance is to make the results of the management of environmental aspects transparent by means of measured values. So-called "Key Performance Indicators" (KPI) are used to anchor environmental targets at the highest corporate level, monitor them on an ongoing basis and take appropriate corrective action in the event of deviations from the target in order not to jeopardize target achievement.
Ultimately, the focus is on the sustainable improvement of environmental performance and thus the reduction of environmental impacts through entrepreneurial action.
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) allows products to be compared in terms of their economic efficiency over the planned period of use (= life cycle), taking into account all relevant costs (including acquisition, operating, maintenance, auxiliary material and disposal costs as well as attributable external effects).
By including all cost elements combined with the consideration of the total useful life, this method can also be used to promote environmentally friendly products and thus contribute to a reduction of environmental pollution.
In recycling management, the raw materials used are to be returned to the production process beyond the life cycle of a product. The requirements for recycling management are based on the simple fact that, in a finite world, conventional production processes will have no future without real material recycling. In the foreseeable future, the fossil resources used so far will be consumed as sources, while on the other hand the available landfill possibilities for the unavoidable waste and residual materials of chemical production will be exhausted as material sinks. The environmental service branch therefore takes nature's material cycle as a model and tries to use materials and energy for as long as possible or in an ecologically and socially meaningful way through intelligent, cascading uses without waste (zero waste) and without emission (zero emission).
TQ-Systems GmbH
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82229 Seefeld
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