Custom Actuators Highly efficient linear actuators based on motors with RoboDrive technology

Low weight in the smallest possible installation space for the highest possible dynamics.

  • High torque density due to light weight
  • High mechanical strength and durability
  • Small installation space and low power dissipation
  • Energy-optimized position lock
  • Low noise emission
  • EMC-compatible design
For Actuators in demanding applications such as Aviation it is important to produce at low weight and on small installation space high dynamic forces and to withstand at the same time high static forces. By optimal tuning of the individual components such as motor, gear, drive electronics and housing as well as the integration of a special position locking RoboDrive succeeded in developing a highly efficient and lightweight linear actuator.
TQ develops and manufactures custom actuators for demanding applications in the fields of robotics, industry, mobility, medical technology, and aerospace.