Radio Equipment Directive

Get compact information about the newly defined cybersecurity requirements of the RED here.

TQ makes your products secure and future-proof What you need to know about the Radio Equipment Directive now



Do you know what the Radio Equipment Directive is all about? We’re here to keep you informed because, starting August 1, 2025, the newly defined cybersecurity requirements will become mandatory.

This EU directive applies to all electrical and electronic devices that use radio waves. But what exactly does that mean, and what criteria must your product meet in the future?

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What questions does our Cybersecurity Onepager answer?

  • What is the Radio Equipment Directive?
  • What changes on August 1, 2025?
  • Is your product affected?
  • What cybersecurity requirements now apply?
  • How can you ensure compliance?

Download Onepager now



Do you have questions about the RED? We look forward to your inquiry and are happy to assist you personally.