TQ-Embedded news
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With embedded modules based on the crossover MCU generation i.MX RT1170
Thanks to the crossover MCU, the computer on module TQMa117xL provides the ideal basis for developing cost-effective and energy-efficient controllers
Computer on module TQMa117xL
The realization of small, passively cooled control devices requires electronics that combine very low power dissipation and short response times - which is solved with crossover technology, a 32 BIT MCU and high-speed interfaces such as Gigabit Ethernet. The embedded solution is energy efficient and cost effective - without sacrificing security, scalability, graphics capabilities, camera connectivity, security and real-time requirements.
Mainboard MBa117xL
TQ's motherboard MBa117xL uses the company's TQMa117xL computer on module based on NXP's i.MX RT1170. This crossover MCU bridges the gap between CPU and MPU - a lot of performance and interfaces combined with the low power requirements of an MCU.