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BoxPC as high-speed platform with 4-port TSN Gigabit Ethernet switch for real-time requirements based on the TQMLS1028A.
BoxPC as high-speed platform with 4-port TSN Gigabit Ethernet switch for real-time requirements based on the TQMLS1028A.
Prototypes available.
LBox-LS1028A with MBLS1028A-IND-AA, TQMLS1028A, Dual CortexR-A72/1.3 GHz, 64 MB Q-SPI NOR
Flash, 1 GB DDR4, 32-kB EEPROM, -40°C…+70°C, 2x USB 3.0, 1x USB 3.0 OTG, 2x ETH 10/100/1000, 1x 4 Port TSN Switch, 1x eDP, 2x CAN, 1x Mini PCIe (SIM-Card), 1x SATA M.2, USB-Debug Interface, JTAG RTC, Temperature sensor, Reset-Button, SD-Card interface
The LBox-LS1028A set is delivered with the MBLS1028-IND and TQMLS1028A module based on CortexR-A72 CPU from NXP. The components contained in the single board computer constitute a modular system enabling you to develop your own product ideas.
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