Become a system partner of TQ-Automation! Open up new potentials and opportunities for your business development in the course of e-mobility.

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From first basic training to the first customer project

You and your employees receive free training as a system partner. Afterwards you are able to automate low-voltage distribution with load and charge management.

Further our experts will not only assist you with training, but will also help you with the implementation of customer projects and the acquisition of new customers.

Start into the market of the future now. E-mobility needs automation. E-mobility needs you!

Align your company now for the future and benefit from our partner program

As a company with around 1,700 employees, we support you as a system partner in marketing measures, take care of brand awareness and provide you with everything you need to make a successful start in the market for e-mobility and charging infrastructure. Further you always receive the best conditions and a comprehensive bonuses through our partner program.

Dynamic load and charge management

Completely new possibilities for building up charging infrastructure with the DM100 system.

Fast, simple and manufacturer-independent.


Training request system parter DM100


Inform directly about our product solutions

Home | Residential

Energy Manager
Electric charging stations
Generating hot water
Modular energy automation


Industrie | Gewerbe

Energy monitoring
Energy management
Load management
Charging management
