Quality management
Discover how we have implemented our motto "Technology in Quality" in our quality management processes.
Social responsibility involves more than just fulfilling legal requirements. In addition to our business operations, we are active in many other ways. Here is a brief overview:
Conflict minerals are gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum. Advanced minerals are cobalt and mica. These are essential raw materials for the manufacture of high-tech parts and components for the electronics industry, without which they could not be produced. As part of our social responsibility, we want to avoid using the proceeds from the mining and sale of these raw materials to finance terrorist groups and to avoid inhumane mining conditions.
The TQ Group has therefore adopted a Conflict Minerals Policy and installed a process that starts with our suppliers and their sub-suppliers and is intended to prevent us from processing raw materials with "conflict minerals" or "enhanced minerals" in our products or in the products manufactured for you as part of an order.
TQ opened the "Hirschkäfer" TQ day-care center in September 2009. Located in Seefeld/Delling, it offers supervision in crèches and kindergartens for the children of TQ employees and children from the surrounding communities.
The main goals of the TQ-Kinderhaus Hirschkäfer are:
Currently, seven educators and child care workers care for 40 children in two groups. In May 2010 they moved into a bright, new, environmentally friendly building on an 8,000-square-meter site.
For more information about the TQ children’s day-care center, please visit www.tq-hirschkaefer.de
In line with our social responsibility, we provide young people with optimal vocational training and offer internships to facilitate their career choices.
The well-founded induction of new employees as well as the continuous further development and qualification of our employees is a matter of course for us.
We take social responsibility, create secure jobs, offer comprehensive training and are committed to the region. We are involved in a variety of ways, particularly in the communities surrounding our locations. We pursue long-term and sustainable cooperation with the institutions we support.