TQ heads towards climate neutrality

While the socio-political discussion on how to reduce the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is growing every day, TQ is creating facts. Over the past three years, the company has reduced or offset its emissions of 4,600 tonnes of CO2. This corresponds to a reduction of 75 percent. This is based on the direct CO2 emissions of the company, including the transport sector. In the same period, TQ increased its sales by more than 30 percent.

This is the result of clear objectives combined with consistent cooperation between the relevant corporate divisions. Starting with the purchase of energy, through continuous determination and monitoring of consumption and burdens to the implementation of suitable measures in facility management.

Important examples are the fact that the entire company relies on electricity exclusively from renewable energy sources such as hydropower, wind and solar energy and that ecogas, which is neutralized by sustainability projects, is used for heating buildings.

"We are pleased that our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in such a period are showing these clear results. Nevertheless, this is no reason for us to stop now," said Rüdiger Stahl, founder and one of the managing directors of TQ. "Sustainability and social responsibility are elementary components of our corporate identity. We want to show that economic success and climate protection do not exclude each other but can promote each other. We are therefore planning further reductions in our CO2 emissions for the future."

TQ Headquarters

The TQ headquarter at Gut Delling

Stefan Schneider joins the board of management of TQ Systems Gmb

The TQ management from left to right Stefan Schneider, Detlef Schneider and Rüdiger Stahl

Discover how TQ ensures quality and sustainability!


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